6 Effective Ways to Search and Find Jobs with Facebook

And you thought Facebook was just one giant social networking site that is growing out of proportion. Did you know Facebook has silently transformed into a robust career express and its job searching engines are growing at an alarming rate. Many companies now list jobs on Facebook and also allow…

Volunteering – The Perfect Springboard to Launch Your Career

“OK WIFM — ‘What’s in It For Me’”? If that’s your immediate reaction on reading the title of this article, read the following statements and see if any of them apply to you: I am looking for a job, but don’t have the relevant Canadian experience. (Or vice versa) I am…

Top Ten Twitter Tips to enhance your job search

Twitter – A tremendous tool for job success According to the latest Jobvite survey over 55% of recruiters and 40% of job seekers have actively engaged in Twitter for job search. How about you? Twitter is one of the most popular, social networking websites with more than 20 million active users. These…

Crack the Applicant Tracking System Code

Get your resume in front of recruiters every time. “You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust the sails to reach your destination.” The meaning is obvious in Jimmy Dean’s famous quote and hugely relevant for job seekers in the marketplace today. There are some things you…

Impress in 30 Seconds! Perfect Your 30-Second Elevator Speech

The perfect 30-second elevator speech. Everyone needs to have one. It is as essential for the CEO of a corporation as it is for the job seeker. Do you have yours ready? Whether you are at a job interview, at a networking event, at your friend’s barbecue or literally in…

Get a QR Code: Get Scanned, Get Noticed, Get Hired

As a jobseeker, you’ll agree, your most difficult challenge these days, is simply figuring out how to stand out and get noticed. Even with all those excellent credentials, you will need something extra that pops out from the stack of resumes on the recruiter’s desk or desktop. Why not try…

The Why, What and How of a Successful Informational Interview

Savvy job seekers are employing every trick in the book to make the cut, but they could be overlooking one of the most valuable tools of all — the informational interview. An informational interview is an informal meeting arranged by you with someone who may be in a position to…